Thursday, August 20, 2009

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Said excitedly. The spacemen became aware of the uncanny occurrence. "What are we waiting for Tony?" demanded Ogieva an enormous black. "We've got to get our men out of there before it's too late!" "Scoobey can't get here very soon " said another. "There's no sense in waiting for him. The Colonel might be fighting it out in there and needing our help. " "No " Landi decided. He paid no attention to the loud protests and recriminations. Dr. Morton and his three men had not returned either and it could be assumed with certainty that yet another group of men would share the unknown fate of the first two. Antonio Landi was a volatile and impulsive man but his feeling of responsibility was stronger. He told himself that it would be better to wait. "Get in touch with Mr. Scoobey " suggested Ogieva. "Ask him what we should do. " The radioman had no.
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